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New England, United States
I have a unhealthy love of books and movies. It's an addiction i am powerless against.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Review of Inception *Spoiler Warning*

Inception should be watched with a calculator for some of the more difficult scenes near the end. I was one of those people who were in the theater counting on my hand like a slow two year old before my girlfriend Emily raised her outstretched hand. The answer is -5-.

Christopher Nolan directed a movie that was exactly what a Christopher Nolan movie should be. With great action scene's, awe inspiring visuals and damn good writing that is able to explain a wacky theoretical concept while also accommodating what every heist movie needs, friendly bantering between two professionals who respect one another but would also like to beat the other with a rusty tire iron.

At the core of it Inception is a heist movie, a great one in fact. It gives you the rules the thieves have to play by, the vague plan of the con and how they are going to break every law that they can. The only difference between movies like Ocean's Eleven and Inside man is that the whole con exists in a sci-fi world with gritty rules.

There are no lasers in this world, no light saber's to speak of, but there is fighting along walls, lack of gravity, and the longest car crash ever recorded.

----Spoilers Below----

Inception's greatest part is not in the movie itself though. It's in the discussion after wards where you and whoever you saw it with (if you are lonely talk to one of the voices you hear.) bring up the evidence from the movie and try and make your point as to what was real and what was a dream.

Or if it was a dream and then became reality. Or if it was reality and ended in a dream. Or if the whole thing was a dream. You can even argue that it was all set in reality, you'll be wrong but you can go for it.

I'm of the camp that the movie started in reality, then went in to the dream world and then came back to reality at the end. The only reason I can believe this is because I can ignore all of the things that would make it look like it ended in a dream.

The end of the movie shows the Totem that Cobb has been using to test if he is in a dream or the whole time still spinning but wobbling. If it were to continue spinning then Cobb would be in a dream. If it topples then he is in reality....maybe.

One could say that if the totem topples that Cobb is in reality or that he is forcing his mind to accept this dream as reality and changes the rules of the totem.

The totem itself is suspect. As soon as we hear of the totems and what they mean we are told one very important rule. No one should ever touch your totem. If someone else can touch your totem then they can replicate it perfectly in a dream and you could be swindled of your porn site passwords. Cobb's totem is actually not his; it started as his wife's so could her presence in his mind take that knowledge and fuck with his perception just a little bit more?

This is the kind of revolving question and answers that Inception is full of. There is so much evidence from both sides of the argument that if you can find a friend you like to argue with you can have a damn good talk/rant/fistfight/talk again for a while bringing up new ideas and twisting the conclusions of the other person to suit your own needs.

Inception: planting the idea that your friends don't know shit.

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